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Total: $59.99

Type: BB Pistol
Full ABS plastic
544.31 g (1.2 lbs)
228.6 mm (9 in), smoothbore
Power Source: 12 g CO2 x 1
Semi-automatic, double-action only
Ammo Type:
4.5 mm steel BBs
Ammo Capacity:
39 rounds

Buy the magazine: KWCKW170

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWC MAC-11 M11 is double-action only and is rather long. It's a bit firm so you will get a bit of a finger workout. There is no blowback operation so this is a double-action only pistol.

Accuracy: The KWC M11 has an internal fixed hop-up system which did seem to help out a lot with accuracy. Shooting from a semi-rested position with paper targets set up 30 feet away, I was able to get well-centered 1.5 to 2 inch groupings from both versions of the KWC Mac-11 Guns. The KWC M11 was well-centered left to right but just a little high.

Build Quality: Overall, the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB Gun is built fairly well as long as you don't mind the all-plastic build. If you were to drop this all-plastic pistol on the ground it would most likely bounce a couple of times no worse for wear since it is lightweight. If it was an almost all-metal build it would weigh a lot more and dropping it onto a hard surface could easily break the zinc alloy metal parts. There is some metal on the pistol with the sliding stock and some internal parts. The rear fold out portion of the stock is actually hardened steel!

Realism: As real steel MAC-11 replica, the KWC MAC-11 M11 CO2 BB Gun looks bang on. It is a 1 to 1 scale and is virtually identical to the real MAC-11. In terms of function however, the KWC M11 BB Gun does not have many working parts other than the trigger, safety, and magazine release. The selector switch, bolt charging handle, and bolt are all molded into the gun and their only purpose is to look good! The overall weight is rather light too since most of this pistol is ABS or plastic.


  • Good quality and cheap air gun suitable for beginners
  • 1:1 replica of the MAC-11 machine pistol
  • Full size drop out magazine that holds both CO2 and BBs
  • High capacity 39 round magazine
  • Built-in metal and steel retractable stock
  • Available in both 4.5 mm steel BB and 6 mm plastic airsoft versions


  • Almost all ABS plastic
  • No blowback action
  • Trigger is kind of long and heavy
  • Not many working parts that are only molded into the gun

Comments: To be honest, when I first saw the box for the KWC MAC-11 M11 CO2 BB Gun I was a bit excited. That was, until I opened it up and found out I was looking at an almost all-plastic gun with few working parts and no blowback operation. But after holding it and giving this air pistol a good look over I have to say I am warming up to it a bit more now. After all, it 100% looks the part so if you are looking for a replica MAC-11 then this will fill that purpose. Even though it is almost all ABS plastic, this solid airgun is well made. The steel and metal stock are nice additions and for a low cost replica airsoft shooter you do get your money's worth.

Caliber:4.5 mm (.177 cal)
FPS:350 to 400
Ammo Type:Steel BB
Power Source:Co2
Trigger Action:Double
Body Type:UZI
Blowback Action:Non-Blowback
Material:ABS Plastic

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KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

1557 - 11/8/2021 11:03:29 PM

Type: BB - Airsoft pistol. Manufacturer: KWC. Model: Mac11 M11. Materials: Mostly ABS (Plastic). Weight: 1.2 pounds (531 Grams). Barrel: Smooth bore with fixed hop-up. Propulsion: CO2 x 1. Action: Semi auto, double action only. Ammunition Type:4.5mm steel BB's - 6mm plastic Airsoft. Ammunition Capacity: BB 39 rounds - Airsoft 26 rounds. FPS:BB 394 fps/ 120 m/s - Airsoft: 499 fps/ 152 m/s. Too be honest when I first saw the box for the KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol I was a bit excited, that was until I opened it up and found out I was looking at a pretty much all plastic gun with few working parts and no blowback operation. But after holding it and giving this air pistol a good look over I have to say I am warming up to it a bit more now. After all it is the first Mac 11 M11 4.5mm steel BB pistol that I know of and it 100% looks the part so if you are looking for a replica Mac 11 then this will fill that purpose for sure. Even though it is almost all ABS plastic, this airgun feels solid seems to be really well made. The steel and metal stock is a nice addition and so would have been a metal magazine but overall for a low cost replica BB and Airsoft shooter you do get your moneys worth. Read full article here: Buy the KWC Mac 11 M11 4.5mm BB Gun in Canada: Buy the KWC Mac 11 M11 6mm Airsoft Gun in Canada:

KWC Makarov PM Blowback - M11 - CQBP M45 A1 BB and Airsoft CO2 Pistol Preview

KWC Makarov PM Blowback - M11 - CQBP M45 A1 BB and Airsoft CO2 Pistol Preview

290 - 11/8/2021 11:07:46 PM

Wow! Some new 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft guns and they are all brought to us from KWC. I would expect all of them to be available eventually in both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft but for now I have the M11 in both Steel BB and Plastic Airsoft and the Makarov PM and CQBP M45 A1 in Steel BB. This is just my quick preview video so make sure to watch it as I do show you around the guns fairly nicely but you can expect some more upcoming detailed Table Top and Shooting Videos shortly... Read full article here: Buy KWC Mac11 M11 BB/Airsoft NBB Gun in Canada: Buy KWC Mac11 M11 BB/Airsoft NBB Gun in the US: Buy KWC CQBP M45 A1 BB NBB Pistol with Metal Slide in Canada: Buy KWC CQBP M45 A1 BB NBB Pistol with Metal Slide in the US:

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